Back in the day I used to work at a financial institution where my main focus was to select potential new customers for credit cards joining many sources of information and applying business rules. One of this sources was an income model: when offering a credit card to a new customer we would like to do it at a minimal risk so getting to know the income becomes crucial, but sometimes this sensitive information is not available to us. Another source was socio-demographic information.
I never knew how this income model came to be, but I gotta say it was way off. Some other models were proposed but they never really took off mostly because they were not interpretable.
Here I propose a model based on some socio-demographic variables at a household level from INEGI using linear regression where we can interpret the resulting coefficients. Next we improve this model using expenditure information, which in a business scenario would be helpful to adjust the credit or to offer a new one.
The data comes from the ENIGH: Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares 2020 (National Survey of Household Income and Expenses 2020) taken from INEGI^[The National Institute of Statistics and Geography is an autonomous agency of the Mexican Government dedicated to coordinate the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information of Mexico]
The data will be taken from four .csv files:
1. conjunto_de_datos_concentradohogar_enigh_2020_ns.csv
Household variables:
folioviv: Household identifier
tam_loc: Population size in which the household is located
- 1 - 100,000 or more population
- 2 - 15,000 to 99,999 population
- 3 - 2,500 to 14,999 population
- 4 - 2,500 or less population
est_socio: Socioeconomic status
- 1 - Low
- 2 - Medium-low
- 3 - Medium-high
- 4 - High
clase_hog: Type of home
- 1 - Unipersonal
- 2 - Nuclear
- 3 - Extended
- 4 - Composite
- 5 - Co-resident
sexo_jefe: Head of family gender
- 1 - Male
- 2 - Family
edad_jefe: Head of family age
tot_integ: Total number of members
estim_alqu: Rent estimate
2. conjunto_de_datos_hogares_enigh_2020_ns.csv
Household characteristics
folioviv: Household identifier
acc_alim2: No food
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
alim17_2: Days in which tubers were eaten
alim17_3: Days in which vegetables were eaten
alim17_4: Days in which fruits were eaten
alim17_5: Days in which meat was eaten
alim17_6: Days in which egg was eaten
alim17_7: Days in which fish was eaten
alim17_8: Days in which legumes were eaten
alim17_9: Days in which dairy products were eaten
alim17_11: Days in which sugar was eaten
telefono: It has landline
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
cellphone: It has cellphone
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
tv_paga: It has cable
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
conex_inte: It has internet
- 1 - Yes
- 2 - No
3. conjunto_de_datos_gastoshogar_enigh_2020_ns.csv
Household expenditure.
folioviv: Household identifier
lugar_comp: Type of establishment
- 0 - Non-applicable
- 1 - Market
- 2 - Flea market
- 3 - Street vendor
- 4 - Grocery store
- 5 - Specialty store
- 6 - Supermarkets
- 7 - Department store
- 8 - Purchases outside the country
- 9 - Wholesale club
- 10 - Corner store
- 11 - Restaurants
- 12 - Other food places
- 13 - Coffee shops
- 14 - Bars
- 15 - Diconsa
- 16 - Liconsa store
- 17 - Individual sale
- 18 - Internet
gasto_tri: Quartely expenditure
4. conjunto_de_datos_ingresos_enigh_2020_ns.csv
Income of each member in the household.
folioviv: Household identifier
ing_tri: Quaterly income
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## speed dist
## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00
## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00
## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00
## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98
## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56.00
## Max. :25.0 Max. :120.00
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